ping is included in every linux distribution, but comes in many variants. Some of the most-used ping commands will be shown underneath
How to use ping
# syntax :
ping <HOST/IP>
##### ping yourself by ip or name ( is the same as localhost, which represents YOUR computer, local loopback)
ping # ping yourself
ping localhost # ping yourself
##### ping with specific amount of packets
ping -c 1 # ping yourself, 1 packet
ping -c 4 # ping yourself, 4 packets
##### ping with specific amount of packets and size of the packets
ping -c 4 -s 50000 # ping yourself, 4 packets, packet size : 0.05mb in each packet
ping -c 4 -s 50000 -W 4 # ping yourself, 4 packets, packet size : 0.05mb in each packet, wait for a max of 4 seconds before you get a response
What is fping?
fping is a tool that is less populair, but it is still very usefull for pinging multiple hosts all at once. fping is a tool that can also be used to ping a single host, but in this section we will only talk about how to use it to ping multiple hosts at once
How to use fping
# Note : the part of the command "2> /dev/null" is used to suppress error messages.
# Otherwise, we will have a lot of unwanted messages interrupting us.
fping -g 2> /dev/null # notifies the user of all hosts that are up, but also of all the hosts that are down.
fping -ag 2> /dev/null # notifies the user of all hosts that are up, only the ip will come forward of the host that is up
fping -ag -b 50000 2> /dev/null # notifies the user of all hosts that are up, only the ip will come forward of the host that is up, package size = 0.05mb
# tip :
# if you get the message : bash: /usr/bin/fping: No such file or directory
# use the command : apt install fping