
What is showmount?

showmount command shows information about an NFS server. This information is maintained by the mountd server on the host. The default value for the host is the value returned by the hostname. With no options, show the clients that have mounted directories from the host. showmount is usually found in /usr/sbin, which is not in the default search path.

showmount Command Options

The options available with the showmount command are as follows:



-a, –all

Print all remote mounts in the format hostname:directory, where hostname is the name of the client and directory is the root of the filesystem that has been mounted.

-d, –directories

List directories that have been remotely mounted by clients.

-e, –exports

Print the list of exported filesystems.

-h, –help

Provide a short help summary.


Do not print headers.

-v, –version

Report the current version of the program.

How to use showmount?

1. To get the list of available options and usage of the command:

# showmount -h
# showmount --help

2. To list the remote mounts in the format hostname:directory, where hostname is the name of the client and directory is the root of the filesystem that has been mounted:

# showmount -a
# showmount --all

3. If you only want to list the directories mounted by remote clients, use the -d option.

# showmount -d
# showmount --directories

4. To print the list of exported filesystems.

# showmount -e
# showmount --exports

5. To remove the header from the showmount command output, use the -h option:

# showmount --no-headers

6. To view the version of the showmount command/package being used:

# showmount -v
# showmount --version


Show the nfs share for a particular host


Last updated